Success Stories
Open Source
Real-time analytics dashboard
In digital publishing analytics have already become extremely important component. Mainly because analytics have been used to determine which posts (article, teaser) are resonating most with the audience and when.
Web Applications and Services
When you need an application developed, you need it created according to Your specifications. Your project shouldn’t be forced to fit into a prefabricated framework. Instead, it should be built from the ground up, for you. And only you.
Rapid Development with Ruby on Rails
Several posts back we discussed some of our work with Django - mentioning Rails offhand. While Django is certainly the premier web development framework for Python, and one of the most reliable and fully featured MVC frameworks out there, it’s certainly not the only viable choice.
Building a secure Web App with Django
Developing web applications is a complicated and time-intensive job, but in the business world time is a luxury. Getting all requirements covered - like login and session management, scalability, database integration, and security - can quickly balloon out of control and make for quite a lot of code, incurring further costs in testing, bug fixing, and maintenance. This is where web development frameworks like Django, Rails, and ASP.NET MVC come in.
Datamart Acquires Galeot
Press Release: September 1, 2014
Datamart Acquires OraSoft
Press Release: September 1, 2012